Friday, July 30, 2010

Once again, a new blog project

Hey folks - you may have notice that it's been a bit quiet over here.
I've been testing different blogging platforms as of late, and rather than mess around with Foodbat I've decided to use as my tester a new blog, called WTF Do I Make with This? which focuses on ways to use the leftovers, impulse buys, and random food that tends to pile up in the kitchen of anyone with culinary curiosity.

Inevitably I'm sure I'll come back to Foodbat, as I always do. WTFDOM is among other things a project to help me learn Wordpress and CSS styling, and whether it will blossom into a successful food blog remains to be seen. In the meantime, posts on WTFDOM will also be reflected on Foodbat, so follow along on either.


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